Acupuncture, originating in China, involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the skin to unblock Qi (Energy) flow along meridians. Dating back 5000 years, it's a prominent form of traditional medicine worldwide. Acupuncture aligns with Chinese medical diagnosis, considering pulse quality, tongue appearance, and overall healt
Acupuncture, originating in China, involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the skin to unblock Qi (Energy) flow along meridians. Dating back 5000 years, it's a prominent form of traditional medicine worldwide. Acupuncture aligns with Chinese medical diagnosis, considering pulse quality, tongue appearance, and overall health. By unblocking Qi, it promotes healing, stress reduction, pain relief, and balance restoration. Often inducing relaxation or sleep, acupuncture addresses symptoms and root causes holistically for effective treatment. Acupuncture can be used to treat whatever may be needed, it is not just for pain! Some of my favorite things to treat besides mental health are issues with digestion, women's health, and autoimmune disorder's.
Red Serpent Acupuncture
1985 Hendersonville Road, Asheville, North Carolina 28803, United States
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